Ashworth Seclusion Yards

NHS Ashworth Seclusion Yards
Project snapshot
  • Client

    Merseycare NHS Trust
  • Place

    Ashworth Seclusion Yards
  • Type of work

  • Duration

    12 Weeks

Avrenim Developments were commissioned by Merseycare NHS Foundation Trust to complete resurfacing and civil engineering projects at the seclusion areas of Ashworth Hospital in Maghull Merseyside. Ashworth Hospital is a high-security psychiatric hospital in Maghull, 10 miles northeast of Liverpool.

It is a part of Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, catering to patients with psychiatric health needs that require treatment in conditions of high security. The works were let to Avrenim as a full build package under the JCT form of contract to assist with the design of four external ward spaces to provide a robust design solution. Avrenim assisted with the production of a design to ensure adequate falls were introduced to provide sufficient surface water runoff.

The works also included four areas of approximately 50m² of resurfacing to the outdoor seclusion spaces and entranceway. Works entailed excavating, reprofiling of existing courses, installation of a new binder and surface course to ensure the proposed design was carried out to the specification parameters.

Civil engineering works were also carried out including new kerbing, tactile paving and enhanced patient safety.

With the tight restrictions and logistics of working within a high-security hospital, the project had to be phased into four phases. Each area would be segregated from staff and patients for approximately ten days, this would allow the areas to be excavated, built up, resurfaced as well as completing the drainage and civil elements including the installation of new drainage channels and kerbing with minimal disruption to staff and patients.

From a logistical perspective, Avrenim where able to build on the positive relationship established with the Estates team of Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, following the recent successful completion of several other projects, by co-ordinating a timely delivery service aligned with Avrenim’s programme as well as engaging stringent project management procedures to guarantee a problem-free, on-time installation.


There were quite a few challenges during this project for Avrenim, the main challenge was patient safety due to the environment this project was in. The noise & distribution during this project needed to be kept to a minimum to respect the Privacy to the patients. Avrenim was unable to have no interaction with any of the staff who work in the high security hospital, and had to be escorted round by security and every time they entered the hospital had to walk through metal detectors & all tools and belongings had to be checked through an X-Ray machine before entering the premises.


Building on strong relationships, by working side-by-side and collaboratively with Mersey Care staff, to innovate and continually improve the service we have given them


Together, we believe we exceeded expectations by the Client with our installation of the facility for the health, care and wellbeing to the people they serve