Public Sector Frameworks
Your procurement route to Avrenim’s high quality services
Framework arrangements are set up by Public Sector bodies (often called Public Buying Organisations (PBO’s) with suppliers to provide goods and services according to certain requirements, e.g. price, quality and quantity. Frameworks can be arranged by one Public Body for either itself or a number of other Public Bodies. Those bodies that are part to the Framework can then order (or ‘call off’) the goods and services when required. If there is more than one supplier, then a mini-competition may be held to identify the best supplier.
You can procure services from Avrenim via the following frameworks:

Rise Buyers Guide 2022
Rise are the UK’s only pro-social construction framework with a proven track record of supporting deprived communities through procurement. Pro-social businesses are self-sustainable social organisations that exist to provide social benefits to the communities around them.
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Crown Commercial Service
Crown Commercial Service (CCS) supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. Crown Commercial Service supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. In 2020/21, CCS helped the public sector to achieve commercial benefits equal to £2.04bn - supporting world-class public services that offer best value for taxpayers.
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With our support, our members are transforming lives, redefining communities, and taking positive climate action. Fusion21 is motivated by change, rather than profit, so we’re as committed to your social and environmental targets as you are. We’ll help you to galvanise your built environment projects and add value beyond your commercial objectives through our specialist support services and Foundation initiatives.
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