Restorative | Dental Clinic Refurbishment
The Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen NHS TrustPlace
The Royal Liverpool Dental HospitalType of work
20 weeks
Avrenim Developments worked alongside the University teaching staff, their design team partners and Clinical staff working within the existing Clinic through a series of design team workshops and option appraisals to produce the optimum design for the end user.
There was a strict 20-week programme to be adhered to as it was critical that staff and students within the premises where able to continue learning safely while the works where carried out.
The project was completed to an exceptional high standard, within budget, on programme with a nil accident frequency rate.
The works involved the extension, reconfiguration of the existing Restorative 1 Dental Clinic, including nineteen new dental surgery teaching bays including latest technological dental chairs, new surgeries spaces and a pharmacy including all Mechanical and Electrical services.
Early and continuous engagement with the client and working collaboratively with design team, supply chains was a major key to our success in delivering this project.
The extension works within a fully operational live teaching facility and constrained site proved challenging
Through a fully collaborative approach with key stakeholders at all stages of the extension and refurbishment works proved successful
The project’s success was realised through excellent collaborative and open working with the project management and design teams and continuous engagement with the clinical and educational stakeholders
The Avrenim team project managed the full extension of one of our large open planned clinics at the University Dental Hospital. Despite the extremely challenging timeframe and complexity of maintaining our services for patients.